
Do you need a mortgage to buy a home or business premises? How mortgages work, how much you can borrow and how to find the right one.

Mortgages - overview

Do you need a mortgage to buy a home or business premises? How mortgages work, how much you can borrow and how to find the right one.

Man in suit writing on a piece of paper with a toy house next to it

Buy-to-let and letting FAQs

Successful buy-to-let relies on ensuring the investment makes financial sense. There are also legal obligations for landlord and tenant to consider

An office building in a city centre

Essential guide to buying premises

Buying your premises gives you control over your place of business - but also leads to liabilities. Read our guide before making a decision.

Two men shake hands over a new property purchase

Buying premises FAQs

Buying premises may be one of the largest investments you make in your business. Understand the process and have all the legal bases covered.

Man in suit holding a set of keys to a property


Purchasing a buy-to-let property can be an good way of generating income. However, there are some key considerations to take into account first.

A hand signs a contract agreeing to release the equity in a home

Releasing equity in your home

Some people have considerable equity in their homes. Equity release is one way to boost income by releasing some of the value in your home.

A happy couple outside their new home

Buying a home with a mortgage

Purchasing a property is expensive. Most people buy their homes using a mortgage. The lender will check you can meet repayments on the property.

A man signs a commercial mortgage agreement and gets the keys to the property

Q&A: Commercial mortgages

Your questions on commercial mortgages answered by the property team from Funding Options from what commercial mortgages are to whether you need security.

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