Budgeting and cost control

Forecasting the financial performance of your business is key. Budgeting helps you see weaknesses in your plans and anticipate financial problems.

A man cuts a piece of paper with the word cost written on it

Essential guide to cost control

Cutting costs is the simplest way to improve your bottom line - but be careful that quality and morale don't suffer. Read our guide to cost control.

Moodboard with 'Costs' in the centre

Drawing up a budget - checklist

A helpful checklist on drawing up your business budget, including what to put in it and who to involve in the process.

Businessperson performing budget calculations

Essential guide to budgeting

While you can't know exactly what the future holds, budgeting reduces uncertainty and helps you anticipate problems. Here's how to create a budget.

'COST' written on a piece of paper that's been cut in half by a pair of red scissors

How to control costs

While you may not be able to influence how much customers spend, you can do is to control your costs and look at variable and fixed costs.